PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
What is it?
Plasma is the liquid portion of whole blood. It is composed largely of water and proteins, and it provides a medium for red and white blood cells as well as platelets and a number of growth factors. Platelets, are blood cells responsible for healing and rejuvenation.
Therefore, PRP promotes tissue remodelling in aged skin which can reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. When injected into the scalp of thinning hair, the PRP and growth factors have been shown to stimulate hair to not only grow but, also to thicken up.
How is the treatment carried out?
A small sample of your blood is taken usually from you arm. This is then placed in a machine called a centrifuge which spins the blood at high speed which separates the red blood cells and the plasma.
Next, the treatment area is numbed with a few local anaesthetic injections.
Once number, the PRP which is the gold part of the blood sample is injected into the treatment area. When treating the scalp the injections are at the precise depth of your hair follicles which isn't particularly deep.
Will it hurt?
As a Nurse Prescriber, I am able to use numbing injections to ensure the treatment area is completely numb so you don't feel a thing.
Numbing injections can feel like a little pinch, but we use one of the thinnest and smallest needles available so they are comfortable.
Is it safe?
As PRP is a treatment from your own blood it is 100% natural and safe.
Common Treatment Areas Include:
Thinning Hair / Hair line
Is the treatment effective?
Research has shown PRP to be around 70% effective at achieving thicker, fuller hair.
How many Treatments will I need?
We recommend 3 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart for the best results.
It is then advised to have a single treatment 'top-up' every 6-12 months to keep the results looking their best.
How long will the results last?
Results will last on average 6 - 8 months although they have been shown to last up to 12 months.
Will I need further treatments?
Yes. it is recommend to have a single treatment at intervals of 6-12 months. However, it is possible to have them as often as 3 monthly if desired.

Aluminate Clinic
12A Salop Road, Oswestry. SY11 2NU
Skin Tightening Treatments
Opening Hours
Mon: 10:00-19:00
Tue: 10:00 - 17:30
Wed: 10:00 - 17:00
Thurs: Closed
Fri: 10:00 - 13:00
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00
Sun: Closed