Sara Evans

Feb 6, 20224 min

Make 2022 Your Year of Great Skin

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

And get the inside track on new treatments launching at Aluminate…

You know those ‘good’ days? The days when you look in the mirror and think to yourself that you’re actually looking pretty good…those days where it all seems to come together somehow? What is it that makes the difference? You might not be able to put your finger on it, but we bet it’s your skin: that on a ‘good day’, you’re noticing fewer lines and blemishes because your skin is looking smooth, hydrated and youthful. How it would feel to have more of those ‘good’ days? Silly question, it would feel great.

To think about achieving your best skin, it can be helpful to think first about what impacts on your skin’s health and condition. Your skin houses and protects you and, just like the structure of a house, it’s affected by both internal and external factors, as well as facing different challenges as we age. Elements in the environment - like sunlight and pollution - and in our lifestyles - like diet and smoking - can cause damage and deplete vital moisture in our skin and that’s before we factor in the ageing process.

Moisture plays such a pivotal role in skin health and appearance as dehydrated skin is not only dry and dull but fine lines and unevenness in tone appear more noticeable. And, as we age, the struggle to achieve healthy, hydrated skin is made more difficult by slower cell turnover and reduced production of sebum and Hyaluronic Acid, which are vital for your skin to retain moisture. Whilst deeper in your skin’s dermal layers, other structural changes are taking place in the skin as we age. Levels of collagen and elastin, which provide elasticity and firmness, begin to deplete from our mid-20s onwards and this change in skin structure results in lines and wrinkles.

Armed with this knowledge then, it stands to reason that an effective method of skin rejuvenation would be to reintroduce moisture in a way that truly penetrates the skin and is effectively retained. The good news is that a new generation of cutting-edge skin treatments offer just such a solution: injectable skin boosters. Sometimes called ‘injectable moisturisers’, skin boosters can hydrate and rejuvenate the skin from within. The name ‘injectable moisturiser’, however, doesn’t quite capture what these skin-boosting treatments are capable of - as these treatments not only hydrate and smooth by increasing moisture, they also operate at a cellular level.

At Aluminate, after extensive research and consideration, we’re excited to introduce BELOTERO® Revive to our suite of skin treatments. This injectable skin revitalising treatment is perfect for so many of our patients who are looking to address signs of ageing and premature skin damage with a natural-looking boost to their skin. BELOTERO® Revive contains hyaluronic acid and glycerol which, together, revitalise damaged skin by improving hydration, as well as stimulating the body’s natural collagen production to improve elasticity and firmness over time.

Following a course of three micro-injection treatments, results actually develop over time with treatment gains lasting up to 6 to 9 months. And due to its beauty-boosting properties and natural-looking results, BELOTERO® Revive is also suitable for patients looking to take preventative measures around the earliest signs of skin damage. Think of the BELOTERO® Revive effect as your skin but air-brushed for fresh-faced confidence.

And injectable skin boosters aren’t the only exciting development in next-generation skincare. There are also some amazing needle-free treatments that are capable of stimulating cell turnover and offering exceptional results.

What do we mean by cell turnover and why is it important? The term cell turnover describes the constant cycle of cell production and replacement in your skin, whereby dead skin cells are shed and replaced with younger cells. And this turnover cycle radically slows as we age. But what does this mean for the appearance of our skin? Well, decreased cellular turnover visibly ages your skin in several ways. Firstly, whereas new skin cells are plump and healthy, when dead skin skills hang around for longer this increases the risk of wrinkles and sagging. Secondly, older skin cells can produce excess melanin, which means that dark patches - or hyperpigmentation - can occur. And, last but not least, bacteria on the surface of your skin can accumulate more easily when dead skin cells are removed more slowly, which results in blemishes.

So, the take-home message is that any treatment that can increase the rate of cell turnover will have radical benefits for your skin. And that’s exactly what exfoliation - one of the key actions of chemical peels - can achieve by sloughing away the surface layers of skin cells and encouraging the generation of new cells.

And, at Aluminate, we’re excited to be introducing one of the most innovative of the new generation of chemical peels in clinic: BioRePeelCl3. BioRePeelCl3 bi-phase TCA peel is science by name, science by nature! TCA stands for trichlorecetic acid - an active ingredient that dermatologists swear by - and bi-phase refers to the unique dual-action process. BioRePeelCl3 both exfoliates to reveal more radiant skin and penetrates the skin’s layers to trigger the skin’s natural regenerative processes.

Think that a treatment this effective must be somehow harsh or ‘stressful’ for your skin? Not at all. In fact, this treatment has been dubbed the ‘no peel’ peel with no downtime after treatment. Simply expect purified, refreshed skin with improved texture and softened lines. BioRePeelCl3 also has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties and can achieve significant results for acne-prone skin, including improving the appearance of scarring. An initial treatment course of 4-6 treatments every 7-12 days is recommended with regular maintenance.

If beauty is feeling comfortable in your own skin, let us help you feel beautiful and confident with the lit-from-within-glow of BELOTERO® Revive beauty booster or the perfectly polished finish of BioRePeelCl3.

At Aluminate, it’s our mission to make 2022 your year of great skin.

Amanda Dani

Registered Nurse Prescriber Beauty Therapist
